Support BogotÁ


Project: BogotÁ

The mission of Pilar de Sueños is to support Instituto Cerros del Sur - ICES, Ciudad Bolivar in Bogotá to keep fighting for their children’s education and to have the rights of a healthy environment in their community.  Their goals and objectives are to give 60 children the rights to get an education and to become the future supporters of their community. Pilar de Sueños will work in unity to assist The Instituto Cerros del Sur the children have the necessary to be able to grow in their education.


sponsor a child’s year of education

To sponsor education for a child in Bogotá is needed only $28 dollars a month that will cover education, supplies and a daily meal. Moreover this will give the child the opportunity to acquired education from first year of school up to last year in high school. It is important to give a child an education to change his/her future and to give an opportunity to less privileged children will change the future for the upcoming generations.

Sponsor a Child

General donation

The donations can be also directed toward the students skills developing in music, art and technology equipment. By supporting ICES in having the necessary tools to improve the children educational skills will give them better opportunities for their future.



The children need a soccer/baseball/basketball field with synthetic grass. Keeping the kids active not only with education but in a specific sport of their choice will benefit the development of their physical and mental health. Sports is considered a contribution to achieve mental health objectives, including addressing depression and stress-related disorders.