Pillar of Dreams and education for children at the Dones de Misericordia Orphanage

Turbaco, Cartagena


project: cartagena - TURBACO

The mission of Pilar de Sueños in Cartagena is to support and work in unity with the Foundation Dones de Misericordia for the children’s needs. Pilar de Sueños will help provide the children the necessary support to help them grow mentally and physically healthy.  We will also facilitate the personnel of Dones de Misericordia with the necessary tools to help and assist the children in their education.


Orphanage: Turbaco, Cartagena



Thanks to the contributions of our donors, a soccer field was built with synthetic grass. Improvements have been made to the children's bedrooms including lockers and closets. The classroom has been gradually remodeled. School supplies and items required for personal hygiene have been continuously delivered.

better living & learning conditions

By continuing to improve the orphanage's infrastructure, we will provide the children with the learning environment necessary to help them educationally and build their confidence and self-esteem. Technological resources to support study and research facilitate the apprehension of knowledge and the quality of your education. We will continue to provide items for personal use and the supplies and materials required to guarantee the continuity of your education.
