Pillar of Dreams (Pilar de Sueños) is a non-profit that brings together and organizes volunteers, donors and allies to mobilize resources and support the underprivileged youth in Colombia. We believe education is the foundational pillar to empower children to achieve their dreams and recognize their well-being as a precondition to fully unlock their potential. This one belief guides us and motivates us to fulfill dreams and change the lives of the children we serve.

We empower children to achieve their dreams through education and the mobilize resources for local communities and non-profits organizations in Colombia.

The Pillar of Dreams  Organization currently partners with 5 affiliate Colombian Non-Profit Organizations. In Cartagena, Colombia we work hand in hand with Amigos del Mar and Dones de Misericordia fundations, servicing over #300 + children in schools and orphanages in Tierra Bomba.  In Bogotá, Colombia we partner with Instituto Cerros del Sur to service and support the underprivileged children of Bogotá.  In Cali we partner with the Fundación Nuevo Amanecer, supporting the needs of children with cancer. We also support with resources for the education of the children of the Fundación Jesús de Nazareth. Last but not least, since the beginning of 2024 we have reached the "Heart of the Earth", the Sierra Nevada de Santa Martha. From that moment on, our work began to improve the living and educational conditions of the Kogui Children in the Tuweka village located in the municipality of Palomino.

We create a sustainable approach in the design of social impact programs for the development of the communities we work with. Pillar of Dreams will focus on education for both youth and adults. We strive to increase opportunities for those we work with to become successful professionals. In doing so, communities will benefit from this educated youth, leading to an improvement in their quality of life. 



Their contributions continue to change lives


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